Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Legacy ...

If you know me, or think that you know me, take a few minutes and read the following ...please. Thank you.

I have been giving something a lot of thought. Over the course of many years, I have become disenchanted with a lot of things that I have seen. I have seen how government and corporations have turned from giving an opportunity to everyone to an “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” wasteland for the mediocre, mindless sheep whose only goal is to protect those on the top. For years, the government has worked in conjunction with corporations to instill fear in all of us so that we can rush to their handpicked saviors. The fact is that their two factions and everyone runs to one side or the other. And anything or anyone who thinks outside the box is ridiculed, ignored, or persecuted. It is like people are scared to check facts and believe what CNN, FOX News, or MSNBC says as if it is law. And in the process, they draw your attention away from the backroom deals that continue to come out years later and we pay for years later.
As hard as it is for some to believe, the only thing I really want is to help people. There are a lot of people that I need to thank for getting me this far. I remember being a little kid and having to go to Clothe-A-Child or Toys-for-Tots because my mom did not have the money to get us stuff for Christmas. I remember my aunts, my godmother, and my mom’s friends trying to make sure that we always had what we needed. I also remember my mom having bake sales in front of Hills to try and make extra money to make sure that we could get the things that we wanted. I remember my mom working 10 hours at her job and then working another 3 or 4 hours at our school because she thought that we deserved the best education possible. That has always stayed in the back of my mind, how much my mom thought we deserved the best. We were better than everyone else. Not because of race, religion, or any other pc bs, but because we were her kids. To me, that is what being a parent is about.

So now you have me, someone who is very disgusted by the political process. Someone who has a hard time with some of the decisions made on national, state, and local levels; and cannot understand how people who swear they are fighting for us when they are getting elected disappear until they need your help or it is time to get elected again. People have let things that should united us separate us. People let those who around for the money and notoriety exploit them and their loved ones to get an extra 15 minutes of fame. It is funny, you always hear write your representative, but how many of you have tried? I have several times. Funny, they must not have gotten it …even though the auto-response says that they should have. What about the people on tv …they can help you deal with issue, right? They didn’t respond either. I must be missing something. I think that what people want to make into a race issue is not as much that as a socio-economic issue. Think about the fact that they people that make decisions for you, in most cases, anywhere from 2 to 5 times what you make in the same year. So of course whether or not minimum wage is $15 does not affect them, however it will completely wipe out a whole group of college-educated, hardworking people. This is not something that I heard, this is common sense. In what world is starting a job at McDonald’s and starting a job at the county courthouse on the same level. No offense to the person that works at McDonalds. But everything about the positions, it is obvious that one requires more knowledge, responsibility, and training than the other. So how does it make sense that they should get equal pay?

My point for all of this is that something has got to change. Not only for me, but they should change for my kids. The reason is because like my mom, I think that they deserve the best and they are certainly not getting it. Everyone has seen the stat; they are building more prison than colleges. But I think that there are several problems with that. Money should be spent on the youth to make them college ready instead of ignoring them. I do believe that athletic and arts, accompanying education, will keep kids out of trouble. There needs to be more programs that educated and empower children before they even get involved with the criminal justice system. There needs to be more money given to education, arts programs, youth sports, technology programs, and things of that nature so the need to build more prisons does not arise. More money needs to be spent helping single mothers who are trying to help themselves. The ladies, who work for a living to take care of their children, but make too much to get assistance but not enough to live on. In the 2 parent household I live in, there is never enough. Especially with teenage boys, come on. So who makes the rules at sets the number? Could they live on that allotted amount in the same circumstance? It just seems to me that more money is being wasted (used) on things that do not benefit the average person, but they are asked to pay for it every day in taxes, fees, and other ways.

I say all this to say that I feel that I need to do something. I think that someone needs to take a stand for regular people like me and most of you. I don’t know if it is county commissioner, state representative, or US Congress, but I seriously would like to do something to help regular people feel that their voices are truly being heard by someone that really understands what it means to be regular. I also would like to start a foundation that will help the two groups of people that I feel are completely underserved, the youth and single moms. I would love for someone to read this and be inspired in some way. I would also love for someone to read this and say I know someone who can help him out. I have done stupid things in the past. You may find a picture or two of me in a compromising position. Maybe I did inhale. Ok, I have lied a couple of times. I say this because I am human. I am a regular person who TRIES to learn from my mistakes and do better next time. That is why I want to help others, because that is what I was taught to do and that is what people need. They don’t need to be judged, they don’t need to be looked down on, but what they need to be helped up so that they can live up to their potential. And I hope that I can find a way to do that. Thank you for your time.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Promise for the rest of my life

Something that I have been thinking about and something that I will be working on for the rest of my life...

I have done so much in the first 20 years of my adult life. I want to use those experiences to help others excel in their professional and personal live and not make the same mistakes that I have.  I have worked in various settings with people of varying ages, colors, religions, economic background, political views, sexual orientations, and criminal histories. Through that, I have been able to successfully work with them all in order to accomplish the goals set in front of me. At this stage in my life, I care less about making a name and more about creating a legacy. I have a wife, 3 children, nieces and nephews, godchildren, as well as the kids that I have either taught, coached, mentors, or have worked with. I want to do something that can inspire, motivate, and make a difference. So many people have an opportunity to do that and choose not to. While initially my motivation was fame and success, I understand that sometimes you can’t escape your destiny. I want to use the rest of my life to become someone whose works and visions can withstand the test of time. If not by me directly, then through those that are inspired by something that I have done, said, or showed them.

I have promise myself that I will not be scared to try something new. I will not be scared to fail. I will not be scared to succeed.  If I don’t try, then I have done something worse than failing. I have given up before I ever tried. That is not who I want to be, that is not want I want to portray, and that is not the example I want to set. I cannot promise that I will get it right or that my actions will always be correct or just. What I can promise is that if I fall, I will get back up. I will keep trying to get better, to get stronger, and be a beacon for those who need my help, my support, or my knowledge. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Politics as usual

I don’t believe that I have learned anything new from this election. I think that people really need to read before they make decision regarding their futures. I am not sure if people realize that the people that they elect to “represent” them have their futures and the futures of their families in their hands. Maybe it is me, but if you would approve of a message that would slander or defame another person can you truly be a good person? Can you really be looking out for the best interest of me and my family? Why not talk about the ideas that you have and the changes that you would like to make?  I think if politicians would tell the truth, no one would vote for them. I know I have said this a hundred times before, but there is no way that you can say what you can do until you understand what your job consist of. How can you grade Barack Obama on his job when he has only been doing it less than two years? Isn’t there a learning curve? And you can not blame all of the woes of the country on this or the prior administration. I honestly believe that the economic downturn may have been forecasted for several years. That is why there are some companies that are still thriving. When you set your business up to make money now, that is what you are going to do. You do not think about the future, and guess what, the future is now. So once again, the people that we are in trusting with our futures, what do you really know about them. Do you only know what the commercials tell you? Do you vote as your husbands or wives does and just spout the reasons that they gave you? Or do you go out of your way to see who this person is that you are voting for and does their policies and record reflect your views on the world. If I was to declare my candidacy for mayor or governor and told the truth…“I don’t know what the hell I am doing, but I will keep you informed as I figure it out!” How many people would vote for me? It is just something to think about!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The MisInformation about Education

I know it has been a minute, but life happens as we all know. Just something I wanted to get off my chest. Read it, then holla at me to let me know what you think.
    There are some things that I want to discuss. I remember, that when I was younger, I was always told that when you get an education you could do what you wanted to do. I thought that this statement was always true but now I wonder. The way that things seem to be lately, it seems like to be extremely successful, you either don’t need an education or you need to know someone with some type of power or authority. It is sad because I have seen many of cases of this and it is very discouraging. Not only to me, but to the youth who are going to college and realize that there are no jobs available or realize that friend who have not went to college have positions that in all reality should belong to them.
    It took me 15 years to go back and get my degree. It is funny because with my experience, I would think that my degree would be the icing on the cake for me. But it seems like companies do not want to take a chance on people. The caveat is always you don’t have any experience, but how do they every expect you to get any experience if nobody will take a chance on you. I am Donta Walker, my mother and father were both factory workers, if my parents owned their owned their own business, were athletes or in entertainment, then they would people would give me a chance for my name alone. That is a shame, but it is completely true.
    I understand that there are other things that come into play, but it seems like businesses do not want to take chances on new people. But, a man who has not finished college, but has played pro basketball for several years can get a television or radio show. A man who has not finished college, but has sold a couple of records can become the president of a record label or start his own clothing line. I do not think that the system is fair because it does not give the same opportunities to everyone. The list of American billionaires is filled with people who dropped out of college including Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Mark Zuckerberg, and Richard Branson. Society embraces them for their accomplishments, but shuns other individuals who have not completed school. And even more, if you do have a plan for a business, they make it so difficult for you even get the opportunity to start a business that most people cannot get through all the hoops. So that is why small businesses are not being started and jobs not being created.
    The only two things that I have ever wanted to do were to help people and make people laugh. Getting the opportunity to do either does not look promising. It seems like the ability to help others in a manner that I see fit will only happen if I hit the lotto and can start a foundation. It is amazing to me the lack of enthusiasm that government or corporations have in helping people do something constructive. I hope that I can get an opportunity to start a company, a non-profit, and do something constructive. But the lack of help makes me wonder. That is just my experiences and opinion.  

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dr. Laura/ The "N" word

As much as I find myself liking certain things, that does not mean that it is right. And as much as I might believe that everyone has freedom of speech. There are still things that people should not say. You can call it respect for one’s self or respect for others, but just because you can say or do things does not make it correct.

I will make quick point. I was watching the news and something quickly jumped out. It was that Dr. Laura incident. As I heard the audio from that I think to myself, why would this lady say this? After hearing the justification, I think that it made since. Your justification was, “Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO and listen to a black comic, and all you hear is nigger, nigger, nigger. I don't get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it's a horrible thing. But when black people say it, it's affectionate." I have a problem with this logic. If the group of people that you associate with use the word, well then that is on you. But at some point you have to raise your standards as well as your vocabulary. I can not say that I have never used the word, or listen to music where the word was used, or even laughed at comedy where the word was invoked. But anyone who knows me will tell you that I can use some many other words that I do not have to use that one. Webster’s dictionary has the following as a definition: usually offensive; a black person. I have issues with that. My grandmother’s definition was a lazy, shiftless, trifling person who serves no purpose but their own. I tend to stick with her on that. I tend to think that the word does not have a color or a race. It can be anybody who falls into that category. I think that when people continue to use it in a jovial manner or as a greeting, you make that situation worst. Oh and by the way… THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN “ER” AND AN “A”. Just for the record. I don’t think I have ever heard anything that Dr. Laura had to say before that point, so I can not judge her or what is in her heart. But I will say this you can’t get mad about her saying it if it is part of your normal conversation. People need to take notice in the people that they are getting there information from and ask themselves, do I identify with what this person says? If the answer is yes, then don’t act like you don’t. One of the main problems is that people hide there prejudices and act like they don’t have them. I would rather know if you didn’t like me then find out at a time when I think you have my back.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Blog

I have decide to do this because I feel that if I don't get my feelings out about certain thing, that I will explode. I think that people do not look hard enough at the facts or finding out what the truth is and people make alot of money off of that fact. I think that my opinion may not always be right, but it is an opinion... that with new facts could change. I think that I will try to update this about twice a week with how I feel and I hope that people will feel free to follow and comment. I think that what I will try to do is bring a different view to people that they may not have thought of and maybe someone will understand things a little better. I also think that this will force me to continue to investigate things so that I can try and bring the truth to the masses! Hang in there with your boy!